jueves, 18 de junio de 2015


Uruguay - 2015 - COP12: Ramsar International Convention for Wetlands, Punta del Este 2015PreviousNext)


SERIES --- 10,00 EUR
STAMP 1 (Scarlet-headed Blackbird, Amblyramphus Holosericeus) --- 3,00 EUR
STAMP 2 (Black Skimmer, Rynchops Niger Intercedens) --- 3,00 EUR
STAMP 3 (Chilean Flamingo, Phoenicopterus Chilensis) --- 3,00 EUR
STAMP 4 (Snowy Egret, Egretta Thula) --- 3,00 EUR
STAMP 5 (Plumbeous Ibis, Theristicus Caerulescens) --- 3,00 EUR
STAMP 6 (Capybara, Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris) --- 3,00 EUR
STAMP 7 (Saffron-Cowled Blackbird, Xanthopsar Flavus) --- 3,00 EUR
STAMP 8 (Brazilian Green Racer Snake, Philodryas Aestivus) --- 3,00 EUR
STAMP 9 (Neohelice Crab, Neohelice Granulatus) --- 3,00 EUR
STAMP 10 (Montevideo Red-Belly Toad, Melanophryniscus Montevidensis) --- 3,00 EUR
BLOCK --- 11,00 EUR
BLOCK with First Day Cancellation --- 12,00 EUR
BLOCK with Folder --- 15,00 EUR
 FDC not Sent of the whole Series (10 Covers)  --- 20,00 EUR
 FDC not Sent of STAMP 1 (Scarlet-headed Blackbird, Amblyramphus Holosericeus) --- 4,00 EUR
 FDC not Sent of STAMP 2 (Black Skimmer, Rynchops Niger Intercedens) --- 4,00 EUR
 FDC not Sent of STAMP 3 (Chilean Flamingo, Phoenicopterus Chilensis) --- 4,00 EUR
 FDC not Sent of STAMP 4 (Snowy Egret, Egretta Thula) --- 4,00 EUR
 FDC not Sent of STAMP 5 (Plumbeous Ibis, Theristicus Caerulescens) --- 4,00 EUR
 FDC not Sent of STAMP 6 (Capybara, Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris) --- 4,00 EUR
 FDC not Sent of STAMP 7 (Saffron-Cowled Blackbird, Xanthopsar Flavus) --- 4,00 EUR
 FDC not Sent of STAMP 8 (Brazilian Green Racer Snake, Philodryas Aestivus) --- 4,00 EUR
 FDC not Sent of STAMP 9 (Neohelice Crab, Neohelice Granulatus) --- 4,00 EUR
 FDC not Sent of STAMP 10 (Montevideo Red-Belly Toad, Melanophryniscus Montevidensis) --- 4,00 EUR
FDC Sent on First Day of the whole Series (5 Covers) --- 35,00 EUR

If you are interested in any of this items, or any other items from Uruguay, just make a donation including your e-mail in the description.

I will contact you as soon I receive your donation, we agree on which items do you need, and I will discount the donation done to the amount of your purchase.

Issue information:

Country: Uruguay
Date: June 6th, 2015
Printed: 10.000 copies

Stamp Shape and Size: Both Rectangular [39 mm. x 27 mm.] extending it desing to perforations.
Perforation: Circular
Gum: Water Activated

Block Configuration: 1 series, 10 stamps [5 x 2]
[ [ Stamp 1, Empty Space, Stamp 2, Empty Space ]
[ Empty Space, Stamp 3, Empty Space, Stamp 4 ]
[ Stamp 5, Empty Space, Stamp 6, Empty Space ]
[ Empty Space, Stamp 7, Empty Space, Stamp 8 ]
[ Stamp 9, Empty Space, Stamp 10, Empty Space ] ]
Block Shape and Size: Rectangular [192 mm. x 191 mm.]

Folder Block Shape and Size: Rectangular [211 mm. x 200 mm.]

FDC Type: Official Cover from Post Office
FDC not sent Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]
FDC sent on issue day Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]

Catalogue information:

Michel: No Data Available
Ivert: No Data Available
Scott: No Data Available
Stanley & Gibbons: No Data Available


Brief Description:

A brief description of the Most Popular Topics of this Release are: Ecology, in particular the one that takes care of Wetlands, and also International Conventions, as this Series was released to promote the 12th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP12) that was held at the Conrad Resort, in Punta del Este, a city and resort on the Atlantic Coast in the Maldonado Department of southeastern Uruguay, from 1 to 9 June 2015.

Ramsar is the oldest of the modern global intergovernmental environmental agreements. The treaty was negotiated through the 1960s by countries and non-governmental organizationsconcerned about the increasing loss and degradation of wetland habitat for migratory waterbirds. It was adopted in the Iranian city of Ramsar in 1971 and came into force in 1975.

Then, looking at the desing of the Issue, many topics arises, most of them could be put inside the great category of Animals or Fauna, with a slight focus on Birds, as six of the Speciesselected for the Stamps in this Release, are in this particular Family of Animals, however the Spectre inside this family is wide going from two different small Blackbirds as Scarlet-headed Blackbird, Amblyramphus Holosericeusand Saffron-Cowled Blackbird, Xanthopsar Flavus, to bigger birds like: Black Skimmer, Rynchops Niger Intercedens; Chilean Flamingo, Phoenicopterus Chilensis; Snowy Egret, Egretta Thula; and Plumbeous Ibis, Theristicus Caerulescens. Then, Mammals, and in particular Roedentsare represented by the Biggest Roedent of the World, the Capybara, Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris. Also Crustaceans, in partcular Crabsare present too with the inclusion of Neohelice Crab, Neohelice Granulatus. And finally, Reptilesmades it appeareance through Snakesand ToadsIndividuals, as are the Brazilian Green Racer Snake, Philodryas Aestivus and Montevideo Red-Belly Toad, Melanophryniscus Montevidensis respectively.

All these Animalsare beautifully presented in a typical view of a Wetland, including all it characteristic Flora, like Reeds, Water Lilies, and other Plantsand Treesthat are common in this kind of Geography.

Finally, just a few words regarding the Logotypes that appears in this Release. In all items, the Block, the First Day Cancellation and the Folder, the Logo of the Ramsar Convention in Punta del Este is included, showing in a stylized form: The Sun, The Water, and also a Capybara, a large Birdprobably a Snowy Egret, and Reeds. All these items accompanied by the Motto of the Convention that is "Humedales para nuestro futuro", that means "Wetlands for our future". Then, also the Logotypes of "Uruguay Natural", a Brand that promotes Uruguayas Environment Friendly Country, and the one of MVOTMA, that stands for "Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial, y Medio Ambiente", that is the Uruguayan Ministry that has Ecologyas one of its responsabilities, appears both in the Block and in the Folder of the Release.

If you consider that there are another topics in this stamp, that were not spot in this review, you are encouraged to telling me about them, so please do not hesitate to post a comment. I would appreciate your help very much.

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