domingo, 20 de abril de 2014


Uruguay - 2014 - Remarkable Women, Luisa Cuesta PreviousNext)


SERIE--- 1,00 EUR
SERIE [2X2] --- 4,00 EUR
BLOCK--- 9,00 EUR
FDC not Sent --- 2,00 EUR
FDC Sent on First Day --- 7,00 EUR
COVER Sent on First Day --- 5,00 EUR

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Issue information:

Country: Uruguay
Date: March 7th, 2014
Printed: 15.003 copies

Stamp Shape and Size: Rectangular [39 mm. x 27 mm.]
Perforation: Circular
Gum: Water Activated

Block Configuration: 9 stamps [3 x 3]
Block Shape and Size: Rectangular [146 mm. x 117 mm.]

FDC Type: Official Cover from Post Office
FDC not sent Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]
FDC sent on issue day Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]

Cover Shape and Size: Rectangular [240 mm. x 160 mm.]

Catalogue information:

Michel: No Data Available
Ivert: No Data Available
Scott: No Data Available
Stanley & Gibbons: No Data Available



As Main Topic: Undoubtedly the personality of Luisa Cuesta is the Main Topic of the stamp, however, her life and Fight, sure put this release in Human Rights related Topic, and also by the annual serie in which is included, it could be tackled by the Women Topic, or Women Personalities, from a wider Personalities.

Then, surrounding the main topic, could be found the followings: The most direct one is the Civic-military dictatorship of Uruguay (1973–1985) , that was in these context that the son of Luisa was captured and still missing, and the fight for knowing his faith was and still, is her main activity. This dictatorship could be part of a wider Uruguayan coup d'états, or even wider Coup d'états, and also even wider than these, Uruguayan History, Southamérica History, and the widest one History, in particular this case the Plan Condor, or Operation Condor, a campaign of Political repression and Terrorism involving intelligence operations and assassination of opponents, officially implemented in 1975 by the Right-wing dictatorships of the Southern Cone of South America, aided by United States providing technical support and supplying military aid to the participants. The program was intended to eradicate communist or Soviet influence and ideas, and to suppress active or potential opposition movements against the participating governments. Also, by it horrible consecuences, Militaria is a topic related too, and in its unhuman use Politics, and Power. Then, in a more indirect way GeographicalTopics, like the City of Mercedes, the capital and largest city of the Department of Soriano in Uruguay, because is where Luisa Cuesta lived before the lost of his son Nebio Ariel Melo, and Netherlandsor Holland, because is were she received Asylum. Also International Associations like: "Federación de Agrupaciones de Familiares de América Latina", or local ones like "Asociación de Familiares de Uruguayos Desaparecidos (AFUDE)", and "Madres y Familiares de Uruguayos Detenidos-Desaparecidos". Finally, by her recognitions, the topics: Illustrious Citizen of Montevideoor Distinguished Citizen of Montevideo, as well as Doctor honoris causa of UDELAR, the Uruguayan University, could be added too.

Now, regarding the desing of the stamp: As it is mainly a close-up Picture, taken by the Photographer Martha Helena Passeggi, of Luisa Cuesta, that with her 93 years at the moment of the release, the stamp could be a nice item for an Old Ladies collection, or Old age one, where White Hair or Grey Hair could be spotted too, and also her Eyeglassescould be useful in some collections about this partial Vision Disability. Then, the other item to spot is the Sign of Female Gender, perhaps useful for a wider Signs.

Finally, in a more symbolic way: The stamp enforces the Fight for Human Rights, for the Known of Truth, for Justice, and Against Terrorism


The block: Only reinforces the Topics Sign of Female Gender, or the widers Signs and Females or Women, adding this Sign as the icon selected to show the inks used in printing the Block, and also, as it was done in the stamp, the legend "Mujeres notables", that means Remarkable women, have his 'o' letter replaced by this Sign.


The desing of the First Day Cancelation:is the Logo of the Human Rights Association "Madres y Familiares de Uruguayos Detenidos-Desaparecidos" in which Luisa Cuesta participates, that groups the families that have some integrant of them dissapear since the dictatorship of 1975. The logo has a Marguerite, Daisy, or Ox-Eye Daisy (Bellis perennis), a common European species of daisy, of the Asteraceae family, often considered the archetypal species of that name, and for this reason the FDC is useful for a Flowers, or some wider Plants, Vegetables, Flora Collections.

Finally, in a more symbolic way: The Marguerite with the missing petals could be seen in two ways, one as the dissapeared persons, however, it only, at less for me, symbolizes the Hope, the Unwavering Effort, the Peaceful Fight, that all the people like Luisa Cuesta represent.

If you consider that there are another topics in this stamp, that were not spot in this review, you are encouraged to telling me about them, so please do not hesitate to post a comment. I would appreciate your help very much.

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