domingo, 13 de abril de 2014


Uruguay - 2014 - UPAEP, National heroes and Leaders, Hugo Chávez Frías PreviousNext)


SERIE--- 4,00 EUR
SERIE with LABEL --- 8,00 EUR
STAMP 1 --- 3,50 EUR
STAMP 2 --- 2,00 EUR
STAMP 1 with LABEL --- 7,00 EUR
STAMP 2 with LABEL --- 4,00 EUR
SE-TENANT NORMAL [2X2] --- 16,00 EUR
SE-TENANT NORMAL [2X2] with LABEL --- 18,00 EUR
BLOCK--- 35,00 EUR
FDC not Sent --- 5,00 EUR
FDC Sent on First Day --- 7,00 EUR (Already Sold)
COVER Sent on First Day --- 5,00 EUR

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Issue information:

Country: Uruguay
Date: March 5th, 2014
Printed: 15.000 copies

Stamp Shape and Size: All Rectangular [39 mm. x 27 mm.]
Perforation: Circular
Gum: Water Activated

Block Configuration: 10 series [5 x 2] , 20 stamps [5 x 4] plus a row of identical labels [1 x 4] at bottom
Block Shape and Size: Rectangular [188 mm. x 208 mm.]

FDC Type: Cover special for this issue
FDC not sent Shape and Size: Rectangular [180 mm. x 120 mm.]
FDC sent on issue day Shape and Size: Rectangular [180 mm. x 120 mm.]

Cover Shape and Size: Rectangular [240 mm. x 160 mm.]

Catalogue information:

Michel: No Data Available
Ivert: No Data Available
Scott: No Data Available
Stanley & Gibbons: No Data Available



As Main Topic: Although UPAEP could be considered the Main Topic, it is doubtless that the focus of the release is in the figure of Hugo Chávez Frías, the former President of Venezuela, country that led from 1999 to his premature passing in 2013, period in which he implement succesfully a social project known as the Bolivarian Revolution, through which he was recognized worldwide. This release it is a real Joint-Issue, inside which could be seen as an annual partial Joint-Issuae, as are all the UPAEP series, in which all members of the Union select a topic and made stamps about it, although same design and day of issue it is not required. This time, five countries: Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, and Venezuela, not only decided to select Hugo Chávez Frías to be honoured as the Personality that they choose for the National heroesand Leaders topic that UPAEP select for this year, that also they agreed in make a real Joint-issue, on the first anniversary of his passing.

Then, surrounding the main topic:, could be found the followings: First, from the branch of UPAEP, it naturaly appears UPU, and a wider Post , Mail, or Philately. Then, From the branch or Hugo Chávez Frías, the Politicstopic arises, specially the Left wing of it, Ideologiesas Marxism , Socialism, and Anti-Imperialismare represented by the figure of Hugo Chavez, and also the idea of the Unity of Southamerican Countries have in him one of the main developer, fact that is explicitly stated in the stamp text. Finally, related with him, cames the personalities of several National Heroes of SouthAmerica, first of them, and also the most nearest to him, Simón Bolivar, however he also referenced a lot, and was heavily influnced by other National Heroes like: José Gervasio Artigas, José de San Martín, and Bernardo O'Higgins.

Now, regarding the desing of the stamp: Besides the prominent figure of Hugo Chavez in both stamps, The Flags is introduced by the smalls flags of the fifth countries that made this Joint-Issue, and also by the appeareance of the Flag of Venezuela as the background on the first stamp, and in the Presidential Strip that wears Hugo Chavez in the second stamp.

The inclusion of these Flags also brings with them other Topics: The Flag of Venezuela introduces clearly Stars, and with them Space and Astronomy. However, the version of the flag that was put in the stamps is the State and war flag and State and naval ensign, that also includes the Coat of Arms of Venezuela, bringing Coat of Armstopic itself, and also all the components of this Coat of Arms, even when they are not even distinguishable in the design. These components are: a 20 branches of Wheat representing the Unityof the 20 states of the Republic and the Wealth of the nation, in the red field. Then, in the yellow field, many Weapons(a Sword, a Sabre and three Lances) and two national flags are tied by a branch of Laurel, as a symbol of triumph in War. Finally, In the base, on a deep blue field, a wild white Horse (perhaps representing Simón Bolívar's white horse Palomo) runs free, as an emblem of Independence and Freedom. Above the shield are two crossed Cornucopias (horns of Plenty), pouring out wealth. The shield is flanked by an Olive branch and another of Palm, both tied at the bottom of the coat with a large band that represents the national tricolour (yellow for the nation’s wealth, blue for the ocean separating Venezuela from Spain, and red for the Blood and Courage of the people), and besides the three different plants mentioned, also many Flowers came from the two cornucopias.

Then, the Flag of Argentina includes the presence of the Sun, more in particular the Sun of May that refers to the May Revolution, a week-long series of events that took place from May 18 to 25, 1810, in Buenos Aires, capital of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. This Spanish colony included roughly the territories of present-day Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay. The result was the removal of Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros and the establishment of a local government, the Primera Junta (First Junta), on May 25. It is also claimed that the Sun of May is a representation of the Inca Sun god Inti, and also another view is that is influenced by the emblem of the French Revolution, and that emblem was taken from the Freemasonic representations of the All-seeing eye.

Continuing with the flags, the Flag of Ecuador, adds the Coat of Arms of Ecuador, and this addition mades that the following topics appears too: the Mount Chimborazo, and the River originating from its base represents the Guayas. They both symbolize the Beauty and Wealth of the respective regions (Sierra or Costa). The Ship on the river is named Guayas as well. In 1841 it was built in Guayaquil and was the first riverine Steamship built on the South American west coast. Instead of a mast it features a Caduceus representing Trade and Economy. On top a golden Sun surrounded by the Astrological signs for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer representing the months March to July to symbolize the duration of the March Revolution of 1845, when the people of Guayaquil under the leadership of General António Elizalde and Lieutenant-Colonel Fernándo Ayarza revolted against the government of the General Juan José Flores. Then, the Condor on top of the shield stretches his wings to symbolize Power, Greatness and Strength of Ecuador. The shield is flanked by four flags of Ecuador. The Laurel on the left represents the victories of the republic. The Palm leaf on the right side is a symbol of the Martyrs of the fight for Independence and Liberty. The Fasces below the shield represents the republican Dignity. It is interesting the inclusion of the Topics: Astrology, and by the selected signs for the Coat of Arms, besides the Twins, the Animals: Sheep, Bull, and Crab.

Fortunately, the Flag of Uruguay only includes the same Sun of May that it is included in the Flag of Argentina, however a version with less rays.

And the Flag of Nicaragua, includes the Coat of Arms of Nicaragua, that is formed by a Triangle that signifies Equality, the Rainbow signifies Peace, the Gorro Frigio (Phrygian cap), a soft conical Cap, a kind of Hat, with the top pulled forward, associated in antiquity with the inhabitants of Phrygia, a region of central Anatolia, a cap that symbolizes Liberty , and also the five Volcanoes that express the Unity and Brotherhood of all five Central American countries

Finally, in a more symbolic way: Although already spotted, the Unity of Southamerican Countries seems to be the most powerful message of this issue.

Stamp 1:

The Stamp 1: Add another main topic that is Maps, more in particular in this case a Map of SouthAmerica, as Hugo Chávez is holding one of it in his hands in this stamp.

Stamp 2:

The Stamp 2: The Hand, as a part of theHuman Body could be added too, as it takes a significant part of the design of this stamp design. Another one could be the act of Greeting.


The Label: Besides strengthen some of the topics already mentioned, specially Flags one, as the fifth Flags of the countries that released this Joint-Issue mades the background for a Triumphant Hugo Chavez, it also adds the Uniforms topic, as he is wearing one, and the Painting, Art ones, because of work of the Painter, Artist Mary Porto Casas. Going even deeper, the Painting shows Hugo Chávez celebrating one of his victories in what he called "El balcón del Pueblo", that in english means People's balcony, that is a Balcony with an artistic decoration in Metal in the "Palacio de Miraflores", that is the official workplace of the President of Venezuela, and is located on Urdaneta Avenue, Libertador Municipality in Caracas.


The block: Regarding topics, it only reinforces the Map Topic, adding the Map of Venezuela as the icon selected to show the inks used in printing the Block.


The desing of the First Day Cancelation: Probably it did not add any new Topic by itself, however, it shows in a way that is clearly seen the Coat of Arms of Venezuela, not as something that is merely intuited that should be there, as it is in the flag of this country. In the cancelation, not only the complete Coat of Arm is perfectly seen, also the Horse, the Branch of Wheat, the Weapons, the Cornucopia, and the Olive and Palm branchs, that are in the Coat of Arms, are easy to see too.

It could be also said that the FDC adds the type of paintings known as Portraits, as the Special Cover issued by the post office for this release, shows a beautiful Portrait of Hugo Chávez, made by Mary Porto Casas, the same artist that mades the Painting for the Label that accompanies this series.

If you consider that there are another topics in this stamp, that were not spot in this review, you are encouraged to telling me about them, so please do not hesitate to post a comment. I would appreciate your help very much.

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