domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014


Uruguay - 2014 - 175th Anniversary "Resistencia" Mechanized Infantry Battalion No. 2 PreviousNext)


FDC not Sent 1 --- 3,50 EUR
FDC not Sent 2 --- 3,50 EUR
FDC Sent on First Day 1 --- 7,00 EUR (Already Sold)
FDC Sent on First Day 2 --- 7,00 EUR (Already Sold)

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Issue information:

Country: Uruguay
Date: March 3rd, 2014

FDC Type: Official Cover from Post Office
FDC not sent Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]
FDC sent on issue day Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]



As Main Topic: The Militaria or Militar issues is clearly the main topic of this Special Cancelation. Most specific inside that wide topic will be the Military of Uruguay, then more precise the Army of Uruguay, and finally this particular Mechanized Infantry Battalion called "Batallón de Infantería Mecanizado 2: Resistencia", that his 175th anniversary is commemorated in this release.

Then, surrounding the main topic, could be found the followings: The first that cames to our mind is History, in particular the History of Uruguay, as this Battalion participated merely in the internal conflicts that ocurred after the Independence of Uruguay, known as "Guerra Grande", in english "Big War", that was The Uruguayan Civil War, a series of Armed conflicts that took place between the Colorado Party and the National Party in Uruguay from 1839 to 1851, with both parties receiving backing from foreign sources including both neighbouring countries such as the Empire of Brazil and the Argentine Confederation as well as imperial powers, primarily the British Empire and the Kingdom of France, but also a legion of Italian volunteers including Giuseppe Garibaldi.

The more remarkable participation of this Battalion was in the defense of Montevideo in coordination with another Battalion led by Giusseppe Garibaldi, in the Great Siege of Montevideo done by the forces led by Manuel Oribe. Due to this extraordinary defense was that later received, by the president of that time Joaquín Suarez, the actual name of "Resistencia", that in english means Resistence.

It also related to this Special Cancelation the History of SouthAmerica, and in particular the History of Argentina, as this Battalion also participated in the Battle of Caseros , that was fought near the Town of Caseros, in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, on February 3rd of 1852, between the Army of Buenos Aires commanded by Juan Manuel de Rosasand the Grand Army (Ejército Grande) led by Justo José de Urquiza.

Now, regarding the desing of the Special Cancelation:it clearly introduces the topic of Uniforms, and more in particular Militar Uniforms or Historical Militar Uniforms, as the Special Cancelation shows a Soldierwearing the First uniform of the Battalion "Resistencia".

Also the topic Weapons, and in particular Fire Weapons are included, as the Soldier in the design is carrying a Rifle. And also, the topic of Hatsis represented by the Morion, a type of open Helmet, that is wearing the Soldier. Then, going even deeper, and knowing how is this Morion, the Topics Music and Mineralsare included too, as the Morion has in his design, the figure of a goldmade Natural horn, a Musical instrument that is the ancestor of the modern-day Horn, and is differentiated by its lack of valves. The inclustion of this Horn is to honour the first name of the Battalion that was "Batallón de Cazadores", that in english means Battalion of Hunters, that has the Natural Horn as his main Symbolto express his Courage.

Finally, in a more symbolic way:The selection of the first uniform of the Battalion, focus the release in the past of the Uruguayan Army, when it was involved in his most heroic battles, reinforcing the Topic History of Uruguayon the release.

Stamps selection:

The stamps selected were: Two releases from year 2004 that celebrated the Centenaryof other two Battalions of the Uruguayan Army. The first honours the 100 Years Anniversary of the Mechanized Infantry Battalion No. 10 called "33 Orientales", and the second one does the same for the Armored Infantry Battalion No. 13.

The reason for selecting these stamps was:Mainly because both were stamps commemorating the Anniversary of others Battalions, however, I put a special focus in the Mechanized attribute of the Battalion "Resistencia" of this Special Cancelation, so, taking account this focus was that I find this two stamps that shows Army Vehicles, as the most suitable ones for this Special Cancelation.

The selection of this stamps, add the following topics: Clearly the Topic best represented in the selected stamps are Militar Vehicles, or a more general Vehicles, or even more extensive Transports, as the design of both stamps selected includes this kind of Vehicles. The first include an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC), that is a type of Armoured Fighting Vehicledesigned to transport infantry to the battlefield, also colloquially referred to as 'battle taxis' or 'battle buses'. Then the second stamp shows a Tank, a large type of armoured fighting vehicle with tracks, designed for front-line combat.

It also add the already mentioned Battalions 10 and 13 of the Uruguayan Army, and also the Centenaries, or 100 Years Topic.

Finally, the Personality of José Gervasio Artigascould be inferred from the Rossete or Cockadethat is placed as background in the first stamp. And the Militar Uniform Topic is reinforced by the second stamp, as it shows a more actual Militar Uniform.

If you consider that there are another topics in this stamp, that were not spot in this review, you are encouraged to telling me about them, so please do not hesitate to post a comment. I would appreciate your help very much.

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