martes, 30 de julio de 2013


Uruguay - 2013 - Remarkable women


SERIE --- 4,20 EUR
STAMP 1 --- 2,50 EUR
STAMP 2 --- 2,50 EUR
STAMP 3 --- 2,50 EUR
BLOCK --- 10,00 EUR
FDC not Sent --- 5,60 EUR
FDC Sent on First Day --- 9,00 EUR
COVER Sent on First Day --- 6,00 EUR

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Issue information:

Country: Uruguay
Date: March 21st, 2013
Printed: 15.000 copies of each one

Stamp Shape and Size: All Rectangular [27 mm. x 39 mm.]
Perforation: Circular
Gum: Water Activated

Block Configuration: 3 series [3 x 1] or [1 x 3], 9 stamps [3 x 3]
Block Shape and Size: Rectangular [125 mm. x 154 mm.]

FDC Type: Normal
FDC Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]
Cover Shape and Size: Rectangular [241 mm. x 159 mm.]

Catalogue information:

Michel: No Data Available
Ivert: No Data Available
Scott: No Data Available
Stanley & Gibbons: No Data Available



This serie of three stamps was issued to honour the life of four activist women. One stamp for both, mother and daughter, "Tota" and Elena Quinteros, a double tribute to the daughter missing since 1976 during the uruguayan militar dictatorship of 1973 to 1985, and to her mother, that kept all her life fighting for non stop the search of her daughter. And the two others, one for Jorgelina Martínez, a syndicalist that cames from the textile union and promoted the creation of Uruguayan union of all workers, and the other for María Viñas Sendic, a chemical engineer, and also a well known syndicalist both as a student and as a teacher in the university.

The serie of remarkable women, is another traditional annual issue of uruguayan post office, that is released since 2007, and this year is the first one that three stamps composed the serie. Women previously honoured in these serie were: Julia Arévalo in 2007, Nelly Goitiño in 2008, Delmira Agustini in 2009, Alba Roballo in 2010, a special edition in 2011 because of uruguayan bicentennial and highlighting the life of Petrona Rosende and Josefa Oribe, and finally, the edition of 2012 is dedicated to a theater play called "También hicimos patria", that in english means "We also build country", that travels the 200 years of Uruguayan history, through the life of it remarkable women.

The desing of the stamps is almost the same for all ones in the serie. The legend of the serie "Mujeres Notables", in a typography that modify the letter 'o' to show the traditional sign of women, the name of the woman honoured in the stamp, and a picture of a closeup of his face, except in the last stamp that, as is about two women, the presentation of the pair was resolved with a picture of the mother "Tota" Quinteros showing a sign with the picture of his daughter, as ussually parents of missing sons and daughters in Uruguayan dictatorship does in the "Marcha del Silencio", a yearly manifestation that is done to continue the search of missing person in the dictatorship.

Stamp 1:

The first stamp honours Jorgelina Martinez, a syndicalist from the textile union that gained recognition there, and then also was the founder, and active participant, in the central union of Uruguayan Workers.

Jorgelina Martinez born on 1926, and passed away in December 22nd of 2009. She was one of the historical leaders of the Uruguayan labor union, and the Frente Amplio, a left wing political party of Uruguay.

Jorgelina was leader of the "Centro Obrero de Alpargatas", the union of an Uruguayan company, and founded the "Congreso Obrero Textil" a congress of textile workers, and the "CNT", the central union of Uruguayan workers.

During the dictatorship was persecuted and was always on the side of workers' resistance.

Jorgelina is also an historical referent of the fight of working women, and was also an active participant in the "Frente Amplio" during her lifetime, in which at the time of his pass away, integrated the "Tribunal de Conducta Política" the tribunal of conduct in politics.

Stamp 2:

The second stamps is dedicated to María Viñas Sendic, a chemical engineer with remarkable work in the Uruguayan University, and also a well known syndicalist both as a student and as a teacher in the university.

María Viñas Sendic born in Uruguay on January 8th of 1943, and passed away in Uruguay too on March 2nd of 2003. She has a remarkable participation in the recovery of the Uruguayan University, after the pauper state in which it was after the militar dictatorship.

She graduated as a chemical engineer at the University of the Republic, and started their work at a young age, and in 1965, while still a student and new mother, began his teaching career at the University. In those years, the area of Process Engineering was into a massive transformation, leaving behind the old methods of Industrial Chemistry.

María sat at the forefront of that change, while growing their two young daughters, addressing and solving in the area of process, engineering problems from very diverse areas.

From its beginnings as a student showed a strong commitment in union activities, because of that, the 70's in her life was the scene of traumatic events because of the undemocratic regime that was set in Uruguay.

María, along with most teachers and researchers sought refuge abroad while the Uruguayan University was emptied of content and resources of all kinds. So in 1975 he emigrated with his daughters to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, where as a student of the Mendeleev Institute obtained the title of Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Later he moved to Mexico where he worked at the "Universidad Autonoma de México" as a Research Associate in the area of Environmental Engineering, carrying out water treatment studies in geothermal fields.

In 1985, María returned to the Uruguayan University, ready to build what did not exist, which by the way were many things, from no laboratories research and researchers to the lack of the most basic structures, in parallel to the lack of labour union structure within the University, all which had disappeared in the dictatorship years in which the university had been intervened, and had to be built again.

She was a person like few exists, in who is met clearness in tthe objectives , intelligence, methodology, and perseverance. She tackled the task by putting a dedication and an ability to work that always distinguished. It was basically a motor, from the point of view of science, teacher of teachers, and a director of research groups.

María selected with great vision the topics to investigate, established many links with the productive sector, generating joint development projects and promote the transfer of knowledge. She awakened vocations, showed by example that big business and big fights are possible, hiding half her profound generosity and sensitivity, behind an entrepreneurial and hard-working woman.

She was also a social activist, who put their superior ability in working, towards overcoming through cogovernment in University and trade union activities in ADUR, the Teachers' Association of the University of the Republic, having been General Secretary until her health allowed.

María passed away at the age of sixty years on March 2nd of 2003, leaving behind a life dedicated to faithfully follow its principles in every aspect of their existence, personally, politically, in science, clearly, with an open mind, and with generosity.

Stamp 3:

The third stamp is dedicated, as previously said, to two women, mother and daughter. The last one, because of her fight against the militar dictatorship, and the first, because of her relentless pursuit of information about her daughter since the moment in which was abducted, and during all her life.

The design, as also stated, changes a bit from the other ones of the serie, and resolve the existance of two honoured, showing a traditional image of all May 20th in the streets of Montevideo, that was to see "Tota" Quinteros with the picture of her daughter in a sign, in the "Marcha del Silencio", a silent manifestation that occurs that day in Uruguay since 1996, to express the need for justice in the crimes commited during the militar dictatorship.

Maria del Carmen Almeida de Quinteros, known as "Tota Quinteros" was born in 1918, in the neighborhood "Unión", in a worker home. Three years lost her mother and was raised by her uncles and with her cousins as part of this family. She received formal education through a scholarship with the Dominican Sisters. Because of that, he grew up in the heat of the solidarity of the family values and imbued with the Christian spirit.

In 1944 she married Roberto Luis Quinteros Pujadas, a socialist "atheist but conciliatory" in the words of Tota, and nine months later, on September 9th of 1945, Elena was born.

Elena, meanwhile, attended primary school in the Dominican Sisters. Professed and practiced the Catholic religion until the start of their trade union activities. Started studying to be a teacher studies in 1962, and at the age of 21 obtains the title of teacher. Then, she also studied education pedagogy at the Faculty of Humanities.

The father of the family died in 1965. Life continued, and Elena began to exert her career.

As a young woman Elena joins the "Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU)", an Uruguayan Anarchist Federation. From that libertarian option, she takes an active membership in the "Resistencia Obrero Estudiantil (ROE)", a movement of resistence of workers and students. And finally, in 1975, was one of the founders of the political party: "Partido por la victoria del Pueblo (PVP), that in english means: "the Party for the People's Victory".

As she deepened his political commitment, this also fermented in his mother. So her house offered food and shelter to fellows militants.

On May 5, 1975 Elena went underground for their militancy anti-dictatorship, and on April 2nd of 1976 Tota traveled to Argentina at the request of the companions of the Party "Partido por la victoria del Pueblo (PVP).

Later that month the Argentine newspapers published the news of the kidnapping of a girl torn from the Embassy of Venezuela in Montevideo. It was Elena. She was arrested and tortured days earlier. In order to break free from their captors, she deceived them, pretending to have a contact in the vicinity of the Embassy. With this strategy, Elena managed to enter the gardens of the embassy, Venezuelan territory, screaming "Asylum". Despite resistance from authorities and officials of the embassy, Elena was dragged away from the embassy and kidnapped by undercover agents.

Given the scandal occurred, on July 3rd, the Chancellor of the dictatorship, Juan Carlos Blanco, together with other authorities, recommended "not deliver" Elena to Venezuela. This cause that, on July 6th of 1976, the Government of Venezuela broke relations with the Uruguayan dictatorship.

After this beat Tota suffered the disappearance of Duarte, Sara, Simon, and a long list of fellows. On October 1976, Tota begins an European periplus. A periplus which she summarized with as brief as wise words: "I will continue fighting my whole life for Elena and for all."

What happened in 1976 marked a turning point in the life of Tota, that led to be synthesized in its name and on its image, a country subjugated and assaulted by the violation of the most basic principles and guarantees. But above all, it turned her into the emblematic mother of invincible hope.


The block is decorated in a simple way with a background in a gradient of lilac from dark at top of the block, to light at down.

Besides the stamps, it adds the legend of the serie: "Mujeres Notables", with the same typography of the stamps, having the 'o' shaped as the sign of femenine gender. Sign that also appears four times in the right-bottom corner of the block, this time with a strange kind of star inside it circle, to show the inks that were used to print the block.

Finally, also the configuration of the stamps in the block, has its peculiarities, as it did not repeats any stamp in each horizontal or vertical position in the block. This configuration produces six different se-tenant configurations, three horizontal and three vertical. This configuration format for three stamp serie is getting usual, and all the last ones were released in that way.


The Cancelation of the FDC is very simple, as it only shows, besides the always present text "Correos Uruguay" and the issue day, the legend of the serie: "Mujeres Notables", with the same typography of the stamps, having the 'o' shaped as the sign of femenine gender.

If you consider that there are another topics in this stamp, that were not spot in this review, you are encouraged to telling me about them, so please do not hesitate to post a comment. I would appreciate your help very much.

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