viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

URU - 2013 - #003 - SERIE - CARNIVAL

Uruguay - 2013 - Carnival in Uruguay


SERIE --- 1,40 EUR
SERIE [2X2] --- 5,50 EUR
BLOCK --- 10,00 EUR
FDC not Sent --- 2,80 EUR
FDC Sent on First Day --- 9,00 EUR
COVER Sent on First Day --- 6,00 EUR

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Issue information:

Country: Uruguay
Date: February 28th, 2013
Printed: 15.000 copies

Stamp Shape and Size: Rectangular [27 mm. x 39 mm.]
Perforation: Circular
Gum: Water Activated

Block Configuration: 8 stamps [2 x 4]
Block Shape and Size: Rectangular [139 mm. x 125 mm.]

FDC Type: Normal
FDC Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]
Cover Shape and Size: Rectangular [241 mm. x 159 mm.]

Catalogue information:

Michel: No Data Available
Ivert: No Data Available
Scott: No Data Available
Stanley & Gibbons: No Data Available



This stamp commemorates the Uruguayan Carnival, the greatest popular celebration of Uruguay, and it does it mainly showing a costume design authored by Juan Mascheroni, surely on for the murga "Saltimbanquis" as for them he has chosen big geometrical shaps for it art.

Also the traditional artistic makeup used in this celebration is introduced in the painted face appearing from the left top corner of the stamp.

And finally, the signature of Juan Mascheroni, a backghound of festive serpentines, and the legend that refers to the Museum of Carnival, completes the design of the stamp.

Some fact that is interesting about this issue, is that is repeating not many years later, a very similar release that was done on year 2009, more precisely on May 28th of this year. That stamp also was about Carnival, however most focused in the Carnival Museum, and also the main component in it desing was a costume painting of Juan Mascheroni.

Uruguayan Carnival is a popular festival that takes place every year in Uruguay from mid January to late February or even March too. It is related to african music candombe, and also an Uruguayan type of Music and show called Murga. It has evolved into a dance parade in which different comparsas play the drums and dance to the music at "Desfile Innaugural del Carnaval" and "Llamadas" parade.

Uruguayan carnival last around 40 days and it involves a series of cultural events such as many dance parades in the streets, shows in street stages called "tablados", and an artistic contest at "Teatro de Verano" in Montevideo.

It is estimated that the Uruguayan carnival, in just six weeks, sells more tickets in this country that all the others both sporting and cultural events together, including football, the national sport and the most popular.

Then, about John Mascheroni, he was born in Montevideo in 1948. He worked as a costume designer in theater, television and carnival environment in which has a long history. Its beginnings date back to 1980, when invited by Carlos Viana to design the costumes for the parodist group "Klaper's".

Then would come the turn of working with "Gaby's" parodist and for the murga "Los Saltimbanquis", with whom he get great recognition int the carnival atmosphere, making Mascheroni one of the pioneers in the role of costume designer for carnival.

With "The Saltimbanquis" created a unique style, enhancing the strength of the murga with a visual proposal contained suits with giant forms, geometric, and made of polyfom. Then, with murga "Falta y Resto", in the early nineties, staged a break in the proposed category, designing with more sinuous and curved lines, retracing his own previous artistic way.

Parodist groupt "Gaby's", and murgas "The Saltimbanquis" and "Falta y Resto", and humorist "Buby's" meant milestones in his long career as a designer for Carnival. At different times in these sets Mascheroni left its mark providing some of its most significant features as creator: daring to innovate, functionality, and elegance.

He worked in the five categories of the official carnival contest, wearing the groups: "La Escuelita del Crimen", "Los Jardineros de Harlem", "Teenagers", "Klapers", "Walkers", "Valentinos", "Adams", "Crazys", "Nazarenos", "Momosapiens", "Zingaros", "Jacquets", "Caballeros", "Gurrumines", "Uruguay Show", "Caras y Caretas", "La Pequeña Lulú", "Magazine", "Sarabanda", "La Nueva Milonga", "La Clarinada", "La Gran Muñeca", "Diablos Verdes", "Araca la Cana", "Arlequines", "Curtidores de Hongos" and "Colombina Ché".

Its activity extends to the present days.

The Carnival Museum is within the context of identity museums, since its objective is to value the traditions, in this case the major feast of Uruguay, its carnival.

The museum is located in "Rambla 25 de Agosto", at number No. 218, in the corner with street "Maciel", and has a large collection of objects, costumes, models, images and press information on the history of Carnival in Uruguay and also about its origins.

Finally, another topics related to the stamps, according to its desing could be hats, as it shows a very complex one, also other artistic expresions besides the ones previously mentioned as: disguises, fantasy dresses, masks, body art.

Then, in a more abstract way, humour, music, and probably also clown activities.


The block design is rather simple, it add the legend "Serie Carnaval", in english "Carnival Serie", however is of great interest the icon used to show the ink colours used for printing.

This icon, repeated four times, using the colours cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, shows an eye mask that clearly resembles a butterfly.


The desing of the First Day Cancelation is a beautiful one, and it shows a human face with a traditional pattern of the makeup that is used in all of the participants of the carnival.

If you consider that there are another topics in this stamp, that were not spot in this review, you are encouraged to telling me about them, so please do not hesitate to post a comment. I would appreciate your help very much.

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