domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014


Uruguay - 2014 - International Second Decade of the World's Indigenous People PreviousNext)


SERIE--- 3,00 EUR
SERIE [2X2] --- 12,00 EUR
FDC not Sent --- 4,00 EUR
FDC Sent on First Day --- 9,00 EUR
COVER Sent on First Day --- 7,00 EUR

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Issue information:

Country: Uruguay
Date: September 2nd, 2014
Printed: 15.000 copies

Stamp Shape and Size: Rectangular [27 mm. x 39 mm.]
Perforation: Circular
Gum: Water Activated

Block Configuration: 25 stamps [5 x 5]
Block Shape and Size: Rectangular [Unknown]

FDC Type: Official Cover from Post Office
FDC not sent Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]
FDC sent on issue day Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]

Cover Shape and Size: Rectangular [240 mm. x 160 mm.]

Catalogue information:

Michel: No Data Available
Ivert: No Data Available
Scott: No Data Available
Stanley & Gibbons: No Data Available



As Main Topic: I think Indigenous People is the most representative, and this one could fit in a widers ones as: Ethnic Groups, or also History, and Anthropologytoo.

Then, more in particular, the Topic focuses in the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People (2005-2014), a programme of Action, adopted on December 16th of 2005 by the United Nations General Assembly, through the Document A/60/270 - sect. II, and Resolution 60/142, that appealed to the international community at large to provide financial support to the Programme of Action, including through contributions to the Voluntary Fund for the Second Decade, and urged all Governments and indigenous organizations concerned to take action to facilitate adoption of the draft United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples as soon as possible.

Also, in this case, the release could be seen as having two Main Topics, although it is clear that the emphasis is put in the already mentioned one, the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People, the issue also commemorates directly the Ten Years Anniversary of th the "Museo de Arte Precolombino e Indígena (MAPI), that means in english "Museum of Art Pre-Columbian and Indigenous", so the wider Museums, and Arts, or the more specifics ones of this Topic: Pre-Columbian Art, and Indigenous Art, could be considered as Main Topics of this Release too.

Then, surrounding the main topic, could be found the followings: From the branch of the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People, the most clear Topics that emerges are the ones related to Human Rights, like: Non-Discrimination, Inclusion, Participation, and Protection of Cultural Integrity, and by the way to provide that Rights, Laws and Politics Topics.

The Under-Secretary-General in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Chinese diplomat, Wu Hongbo, is the Coordinator for the Second Decade, which commenced on January 1st of 2005and will conclude in December 31st of 2014, as it was adopted by the General Assembly Resolution A/RES/59/174, on December 22nd 2004, and has published The final report on the achievement of the goal and objectives last August 6th of 2014, which probably was the reason of issuing this release in the date it was issued.

That document provides Examples of current efforts to achieve the objectives of the Programme of Action for the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People. One of the major highlights of the Second Decade was the adoption, in 2007, of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The report also provides an Analysis of the impact of the Second Decade on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Also tells that while there has been some progress in achieving the goals of the Second Decade, a Substantial gap remains between the formal recognition of indigenous peoples and the implementation of policies on the ground. The post-2015 development agenda and the high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly, to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, afford an opportunity to Make indigenous peoples part of the solution and to build a life of dignity, equity and hope for all.

Then, from the Branch of Ten Years Anniversary of the "Museo de Arte Precolombino e Indígena (MAPI), many Topics could be related through both the Musuem itself and the Buildingin which is located.

The Buildingwas designed by Emilio Reus, a Spanish Businessman who emigrated first to Argentina in 1885, and then to Uruguay, where he became known for Building Residential Homes. His work made such an impact on the traditional architecture of the country which led to a period now known as
Time of Reus, and also today there is a neighborhood in Montevideo that is known by his name, "Barrio Reus". This neighbourhood was also known as "Barrio de los Judios"or Jewish Neighbourhood, and one of his streets could be seen in This Previous Release released on April 22nd of 2014, about the Centenary of the Football Club "Sud América".

Returning to the Building, it was build at late XIX Century, more precisely at year 1888, and it has been designed following an Eclectic Architecture, a XIX and XX Century Architectural Style,in which a single piece of work incorporates a mixture of elements from previous historical styles to create something that is new and original. By this Architecture Design, it was declared a National Historic Landmarkin 1986.

Now going to the Museumitself, "Museo de Arte Precolombino e Indígena (MAPI), is a Cultural Joint venture, in which they are associated the Municipality of Montevideo and the Society, so both parties provide Values, Heritage and Resources from a shared vision. The Museumwas founded on September 17th of 2004, so the stamp was issued 15 days before the Anniversary, and was created through a Loan Agreementsigned between the Intendent of Montevideo of this period, Architect Mariano Aranaand the Collector Matteo Goretti, who gave up some of its important Ethnographic and Archaeological Collectionfor a period of 20 years. In recent times the stock of MAPI has increased ten other collections that were donated or on loan by public institutions, embassies and private collectors.

The MAPIoffers visitors a Permanent exhibition of Archaeological and Ethnographic Pieces from different Cultures in the Americas and conducts Research, Exhibitions and Publications on various aspects related to this topic. In 2014 he first presented an exhibition abroad, entitled "Uruguay in Guarani"which was exhibited at the Vatican Museums and theEthnological Museum in Hamburg, where he is now before continuing touring other cities in Europe.

The MAPIhas been Awarded for four consecutive years (2011-2014) with the "Premio Iberoamericano de Museos", in english "American Award of Museums".

Now, regarding the desing of the stamp:Besides reinforcing, by it legends, the two Main Topics of the release, that are: the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People (2005-2014), and Ten Years Anniversary of the "Museo de Arte Precolombino e Indígena (MAPI), it clearly add the ones related with Pre-Columbian Art, and Indigenous Artshowing a close-up of two Statuettes, or Little Statues, with Woman Shape, so Sculpturecould be in a way a Topic for this Release too.

The Statuettesshown in the Release are two Specimens of the Female Anthropomorphic Figurinescalled "Venus of Valdivia", these Female Anthropomorphic Representations, were made by the group of people with the same name "Valdivias", that was developed in what is now Ecuador, in the Formative Period, that extends from 4000 BC to 500 AC.

This "Venus of Valdivia" have a Size of between 7 and 20 cm. , and were At first Sculptured in Stone, and then Turn to be Shaped by hand from two Clay cylinders attached to the body and head and legs separated, with the later addition of touched and arms. They have rounded shapes and well-marked sexual attributes, especially her breasts, coffee bean eyes shaped, thick eyebrows, arms over his body and legs without feet.

It has been theorized much about the purpose of these figures. Some researchers see them as Symbolsor Talismansand Idolspromoters of Fertility.

The Italian Archaeologist Constanza Di Capua argues, based on the variation of the features of the body-forms and representation of hair and styles, that the "Venus of Valdivia" are figures Alluding to the physiological cycles of women in various stages. From the nubile, with a bulge in the pubic region, no arms, straight trunk and shaved head, going through puberty, with partial removal of hair and hint of breasts and arms, and adolescence, where the figurines are represented by bodies developed until adulthood and pregnancy, with bulging belly, suggesting pregnancy. For the researcher, the figures are Associated with the female cult that developed in society Valdivia and are, along with the funeral, a Testament to how this society empowers breeding group.

Finally, in a more symbolic way:I will choose Women, and Feminityin general, and perhaps Fertilityin particular, as the Topics more subtly incorporated in this Release, as for it desing it was chosen these particular Female Anthropomorphic Figurinescalled "Venus of Valdivia", to represent graphically the fusion of the two Main Events that are commemorated in this Issue.

Also this selection could be seen as a gaze to Matriarchy, perhaps too, as a way to Get free of the Current System, that for milleniums was based in Patriarchy.


The block: Besides the legend that enunciate the Main Topic of the Release, that is Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People, only adds the icon used to show the ink colours used in the printing of the stamps, however, this icon shows a Rarely seen Item in Philatelythat is the "Boleadoras", that are a Throwing Weapon superficially similar to the Surujin, made of weights on the ends of interconnected cords, designed to capture animals by entangling their legs.

The "Boleadoras"were most famously used by the Gauchos(Argentinian cowboys), but have been Found in Excavations of Pre-Columbian settlements, especially in Patagonia, where Indigenous peoples used them to catch 200 pound guanaco, a mammal similar to a Llama, and also the Ñandú, a non flying birds, as the one shown in This Release. They were also Used in battle by the Inca army, and even as a modern-day tool in North America at the Calico Early Man Site.


The desing of the First Day Cancelation:Besides the legends of both Main Topics: Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People and Ten Years Anniversary of th the "Museo de Arte Precolombino e Indígena (MAPI) , and the Logotypeof the MAPI, what it is really interesting in the Cancelation is the Circle Shaped Elementthat surrounds both Legends and Logotypes, that is The Wheel with the 20 Inscription Glyphs that represent the Named Days in the the Tzolk'in, the Basic Cycleof the Maya calendar.  

The Tzolk'in Calendarcombines a Cycleof twenty Named Dayswith another Cycle of Thirteen numbers (the trecena), to Produce 260 unique days(i.e., 20 × 13 = 260). Each successive named day was numbered from 1 up to 13 and then starting again at 1.

The Tzolkindoes not have a generally-recognized start and end, although there are specific references, that 1 Imix was the Beginning dayin The Books of Chilam Balam, that are a set of handwritten books that preserve important traditional knowledge in which indigenous Maya and early Spanish traditions have coalesced.

The Glyph for Imixis the one located at the 'O' of "Mundo" in the Cancelation, and the other 19 Glyphs are shown ordered Clockwise in the Cancelation too. 

The name and the meaning of the 20 Glyphs are the following: 1) Imix: The Crocodile, or the Reptilian body of the planet earth; 2) Ik: The Wind, also Breath, Life, even Violence; 3) Akbal: The Night-house, or Darkness, The underworld, Therealm of the nocturnal jaguar-sun; 4) Kan: The Maize, the Sign of the Young Maize Lord who brings Abundance, Ripeness. Also Lizard, Net; 5) Chicchan: The Snake, the Celestial serpent; 6 ) Cimi: The Death; 7) Manik: The Deer, Sign of the Lord of the Hunt; 8) Lamat: The Rabbit, Sign of the planet Venus, Sunset; 9) Muluc: The Water, symbolised by Jade, an aspect of the Water Deities, Fish; 10) Oc: The Dog, who guides the night sun through the underworld; 11) Chuen: The Monkey, the Great craftsman, patron of Arts and Knowledge; 12) Eb: The Grass, associated with Rainand Storms; 13) Ben: The Reed, who fosters the growth of Corn, Cane, and Man; 14) Ix: The Jaguar, the Night Sun. Associated with the Goddess Ixchel; 15) Men: The Eagle, the Wise one, Bird, Moon; 16) Cib: The Owl and the Vulture, death-birds of night and day. Also wax, soul, insect; 17) Caban: The Earthquake, Formidable Power. Also Season, Thought; 18) Etznab: The Knife, the Obsidian Sacrificial Blade; 19) Cauac: The Rainor Storm, the Celestial Dragon Serpents and the Chacs, Gods of Thunder and Llightning; 20) Ahau: The Lord, The Radiant Sun God. Also associated with the Mayan hero twins.

If you consider that there are another topics in this stamp, that were not spot in this review, you are encouraged to telling me about them, so please do not hesitate to post a comment. I would appreciate your help very much.

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