lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014


Uruguay - 2014 - 250th Birthday of José Gervasio Artigas PreviousNext)


FDC not Sent 1 --- 3,50 EUR
FDC not Sent 2 --- 3,50 EUR
FDC Sent on First Day 1 --- 7,00 EUR
FDC Sent on First Day 2 --- 7,00 EUR

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Issue information:

Country: Uruguay
Date: June 12th, 2014

FDC Type: Official Cover from Post Office
FDC not sent Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]
FDC sent on issue day Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]



As Main Topic: The Personality of José Gervasio Artigas is clearly the main topic of this Special Cancelation, as it was and will be of the whole stamps of the Permanent Serie that commemorate the 250th Anniversaryof his Birth. This Special Cancelation could be a seen as a an additional Release of this Permanent Serie.

Then, the personality of José Artigas could be included in wider Topic as Uruguayan Personalities, or Uruguayan Militars, and of course in one dedicated to National Heroes.

Then, surrounding the main topic, could be found the followings: The first that cames to our mind is History, in particular the History of Southamerica, focus on the Emancipation of Southamerica, or the Liberty of Southamerica, or the Spanish American wars of independence, as José Gervasio Artigas was one of the most notorious figures of that Emancipation. Also the Ideologies associated with him, as Federalism and Liberalism, even a last one centred on his figure called Artiguism, are clearly represented in this stamp. Finally, by his great labour in the Uruguayan Army, Militariais another topic directly associated with this issue.

Now, regarding the desing of the Special Cancelation:It mainly reinforces the Topics related to his Ideologies, in particular Federalism, with the inclusión of the text: "Unión de los pueblos libres", that in english means "Union of the Peoples in Freedom".

 Also, it connect the release with Sauce City, a small city located on Km. 36 of Route 6 and its intersection with Routes 67, 86 and 107, now part of the wider metropolitan area of Montevideo, as it name is included in the Cancellation, probably alleging that in Sauce City was born José Artigas, however, most of the historians consider that surely he born in the City of Montevideo, in the other house of his family that was placed in the intersection of the streets that now are called "Cerrito" and "Colón".

Finally, the design, add in the cancellation the Uruguayan Bicentenary Logo, the one created in 2011 to be the image of the Uruguayan Bicentenary, used in all the events done to it Celebration. The Logotype consist in a simple Ribbonthat resembles the Flag of Uruguay, and the Flag of Artigas, making this release interesting for Biccentenaries and Flags Topics. This Logo was the Main Topic of the first Release of 2011, and also was included in many later releases of this year that commemorated different relevant events in the building of Uruguay, as an Independent Country.

Finally, in a more symbolic way:The inclusion of the text: "Unión de los pueblos libres", from my point of view, seeks to expand the relevance of José Artigas Personality, to put in him as a South-American Leader, and not only as the Uruguayan National Hero.  

Stamps selection:

The stamps selected were:Naturally, Two of the ones from the Permanent Serie of 2014 with the exact topic. The ones selected from that Permanent Serie were The Light blue one of postage value UYP 15 + 2, and The Green one with postage value $10.

Then, to complete the postage value for the Non Sent Version of the Cover, and the registered postage value for the Sent of First Day Version one, another stamps of the same Permanent Serie were selected.
The reason for selecting these stamps was:That they match exactly with the Cancelation Topic, as both, the stamps from the Permanent Serie, and the Cancelation being described here, were released commemorating the same.

Although there were other options of stamps to be selected, as many stamps shows the figure of José Artigasin his design, I considered that the Full Topic Matchcharacteristic of the selected ones, weighted more than Diversity that selecting another release could provide.

Then, the Selection of these particular stamps from all of the Permanent Serie was due to they are the ones with lower value, and also the inclusion of the Semi-Postal stamp in this choice I found it appropiate.

The selection of this stamps, add the following topics:As already mentioned, both, the stamps from the Permanent Serie, and the Cancelation being described here, were released commemorating the same, so the stamps mainly reinforces the Topics that already exist in the Cancelation.

However, the inclusion of the Semi-postal stamp or Charity Stampof the Permanent Serie, add not only this Type of StampsTopics, that, as the "Escuela Horizonte", a Special School, dedicated to the Care of children and youthswith Cerebral Paralysisin their most compromised levels, is the Institution that will receive the 2 UYP added value of this Stamp, also the Health and Handicapped, and even Educationare new Topics added by the selection of this stamp.

If you consider that there are another topics in this stamp, that were not spot in this review, you are encouraged to telling me about them, so please do not hesitate to post a comment. I would appreciate your help very much.

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