viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013


Uruguay - 2013 - XI Congress of COPAPROSE


FDC not Sent 1 --- 4,50 EUR
FDC not Sent 2 --- 4,50 EUR
FDC Sent on First Day 1 --- 9,00 EUR
FDC Sent on First Day 2 --- 9,00 EUR

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Issue information:

Country: Uruguay
Date: April 10th, 2013

FDC Type: Normal
FDC Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]



This special cancelation was released to commemorate eleventh congress of "Confederación Panamericana de Productores de Seguros (COPAPROSE)", that in english means: "Pan American Confederation of Insurance Producers", that took place in the Hotel "Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza", since the day of issue of this cancelation, April 10th of 2013, to April 12th of the same year.

The design of the cancelation it is composed, besides the legends included in it, by a highly stylized map of the Americas, barely identifiable as the Americas map, as it is shows only it contour and it is crossed by curved lines, that are not in the same pattern in South and North America, in the second one the continent seems to be taken away from the map. Undoubtedly a very strange design for the Americas map.

The legends names the congress in the main one: "XI Congreso COPAPROSE URUGUAY 2013", and in the circunference that works as the limit of the cancelation, the date and the place in which the congress took place is written: "10, 11 y 12 de abril de 2013 - Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel". Finally, the last legend, is the one for all official post office cancelations and says: "Correos URUGUAY".

For the creation of the covers in which this special cancelations will be applied, two releases were selected, and the choice of them was quite obvious. In the last years, only two stamps were issued in the topic of insurance, and both were dedicated to the gubernamental institution that provides this service that is the "Banco de Seguros del Estado (BSE)", that in english means: "National Bank of Insurances". That two stamps were released on 2001 and 2011, and there issued to commemorate the 90th and 100th anniversary of this bank.

In both stamps a headquarter of the bank is shown, in the first one the actual headquarter was depicted, and in the second one, and antique one was included, ones that now serves as an historical museum.

Although stamps were released in dates as far away as a decade, just by chance, their facial value is the same, just 12 Uruguayan Pesos (UYP). As the minimum postage value is 15 UYP, and for the application of the cancelation at least this amount should be included, a pair of the stamps was used in both non sent FDCs. Then, for the cirulated ones, as the certified local postage at the time of the cover creation was 50 UYP, a block of four was used for these covers, accompanied by a neutral mailbox stamp of 2 UYP to reach the exact postage value.

In the 11th Congress of COPAPROSE took place three different meetings: The meeting of the Board, the Annual General Assembly, and an Extraordinary General Assembly of the COPAPROSE.

These meetings of the most important organs of the Confederacy, were done in order to analyze the ongoing projects, development plans for the sector, the adoption of new administrative measures, new changes to the bylaws, among others issues.

The COPAPROSE addresses the Uruguayan Association, in developing the program for this XI Regional Congress. The remuneration of the producer, The evolution of the insurance market in Latin America, and microinsurances were issues addressed in this conference which brought together the top leaders of Latin American Insurances firms.

The Board of COPAPROSE has initiated a series of actions in order to provide useful services to member associations of the Confederation and its members. Aware of the growing importance are acquiring, in our environment, communication actions, as an indispensable tool for the establishment and development of insurance business, COPAPROSE has launched a survey among its members on the activities of their associations, which have followed a series of reflections shared by the representatives of the Board to finish in a useful guide that can serve as reference for insurance producers in Latin America, Spain and Portugal, guide that was presented in the congress.

COPAPROSE is an international non-profit institution, based in Panama, which groups Insurance Producers Associations (Agents and Brokers) throughout Latin America, Spain and Portugal, Canada and the United States.

Its function is the defense, promotion and development of the insurance producer, and the representation of their interests.

At present there are 20 countries participating actively in COPAPROSE.

Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel is a hotel located on the central Plaza Independencia in the Old City neighbourhood of Montevideo, Uruguay, operated by Radisson. It is one of the top hotels in the city.

The Radisson Montevideo has 232 rooms and contains a casino and is served by the Restaurante Arcadia, one of Montevideo's best restaurants, on the 25th floor.

The original building, which opened on December 15th of 1952, and was designed by Argentine architects SEPRA, was added in 1996 a second building, designed by architects Gomez Platero, Cohesion and Alberti.

In the '60s passed through the hands of the Intercontinental hotel chain, and since 1999 is managed by the Radisson.

Radisson Hotels is a major international hotel company with more than 420 locations in 73 countries.

The first Radisson Hotel was built in 1909 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. This hotel, and then the company was named after the 17th-century French explorer Pierre-Esprit Radisson. The Hotel, was founded by heiress Edna Dickerson, and was opened on December 15, 1909 at 41 South Seventh Street in Minneapolis.

The hotel was purchased in 1962 by Curt Carlson (1914–1999) and is still owned by the Carlson estate.

The majority of Radisson-branded hotels are located in the United States. The company's headquarters, as well as the headquarters of the parent organization, Carlson, are located in a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota, the city where the first Radisson Hotel was built.

If you consider that there are another topics in this stamp, that were not spot in this review, you are encouraged to telling me about them, so please do not hesitate to post a comment. I would appreciate your help very much.

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