miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013


Uruguay - 2012 - Ten years of the political party "Partido independiente"


SERIE --- 1,40 EUR
SERIE [2X2] --- 5,50 EUR
BLOCK --- 12,00 EUR
FDC not Sent --- 2,80 EUR
FDC Sent on First Day --- 9,00 EUR
COVER Sent on First Day --- 6,00 EUR

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Issue information:

Country: Uruguay
Date: December 17th, 2012
Printed: 15.003 copies

Stamp Shape and Size: Rectangular [39 mm. x 27 mm.]
Perforation: Circular
Gum: Water Activated

Block Configuration: 9 stamps [3 x 3]
Block Shape and Size: Rectangular [149 mm. x 125 mm.]

FDC Type: Normal
FDC Shape and Size: Rectangular [165 mm. x 105 mm.]
Cover Shape and Size: Rectangular [241 mm. x 159 mm.]

Catalogue information:

Michel: No Data Available
Ivert: No Data Available
Scott: No Data Available
Stanley & Gibbons: No Data Available



This stamp commemorates the ten years of the foundation of the "Partido Independiente", the newest political party of Uruguay, with parliamentary representation, founded in 2003 and leadered by Pablo Mieres.

The stamp desing is very simple, as it only shows the party logotype, and the logotype built for it 10 years anniversary, all in the purple and yellow colours that represent this party.

The "Partido Independiente", "Independent Party" in English, is a social democratic and Christian humanist or Christian socialist political party of Uruguay. As already said, it is leadered by Pablo Mieres, who was one of its founders, and it presidential candidate in the 2004 national elections and in 2009 ones too.

Its goal is to build a third way away from the heterodox left-wing coalition "Frente Amplio" and the traditional right-wing parties as "Partido Colorado" and "Partido Nacional".

Inside this party coexist social democrats ideas, represented by Deputy Ivan Posada, and Christian Socialists ones, represented by its leader Pablo Mieres. The latter suggested that the party is located in the center-left of the political spectrum, although the Uruguayan population, and mostly or at least many of the political scientists identify the party as a center-right party.

The "Partido Independiente" participated in two national election, and in both get parliamentary representation. At the 2004 one, it won 1.89% of the popular vote, which gives it one seat in the Chamber of Deputies, which was occupied by Iván Posada, and none in the Senate. Then, At the 2009 election, it raised it popular vote to 2.49%, obtaining two seats in the Chamber of Deputies, that are being occupied by Iván Posada again and Daniel Radío, and none seats in the senate. This performance in the last two elections, made "Partido Independiente" the fourth largest party in Uruguay, and the smallest with parliamentary representation.


The block is only decorated with three circles to show the inks used in printing, and the legend of the party ten years anniversary "10 Años Partido Independiente".

An interesting information that is revealed by the ink colour circles, is that for the pringing of these stamps there were used the ink of each colour itself to produce the ones in the stamps, and not the usual strategy of producing all the colours as the combination of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks.


The desing of the First Day Cancelation, only shows the logotype made for the anniversary and the same legend printed in the block "10 Años Partido Independiente".

If you consider that there are another topics in this stamp, that were not spot in this review, you are encouraged to telling me about them, so please do not hesitate to post a comment. I would appreciate your help very much.

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